Costruire di fronte ai rischi ambientali nelle società antiche - 06-07/09/2019, Napoli (Italy)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/DATE/DATA: 06-07/09/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Centre Jean Berard (Napoli, Italy) INFO:
'Becoming' and the Roman World - 11-12/09/2019, Durham (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This conference will explore the transitional phase(s) of transformation, or, in other words: processes of...
Changes In Narrative Strategies In Context Of The Specificity Of The Oral And Written Tradition - 04
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The conference will give an opportunity for discussion to philologists, Bible scholars, historians,...
Plato's Method of Collection and Division - 12-13/09/2019, Oxford (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS We would like to have papers that discuss Plato's method of collection and division directly or some relevant...
2nd Egyptological Conference. Quod est Superius est sicut quod est Inferius: The Cosmic Hypostasis a
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The significance of the Woman, as the only human being that can re–create life from her womb, as an archetype of...
Frames and Framing in Antiquity - 15-16-17/11/2019, Changchun (China)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS While frame analysis is often perceived as a rather static model used mainly for categorization, the conference...
New Classicists Conference - 07/12/2019, London (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS We are pleased to announce the call for papers for our inaugural postgraduate conference series. The theme for...
Medicine and Trade in the Classical World - 09-10/09/2019, Cambridge (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This conference aims to explore medicine and trade in the classical world in the light of new research into many...
The Archaeologies of Roads - 07-08/11/2019, Florence (Italy)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The conference on “The Archaeologies of Roads” invites landscape-oriented papers on the topics of archaeology,...
Divinità e Politeismi dell’Antichità Classica. Documentazione e Metodi di Studio - 26-27-28/07/2019,
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 26-27-28/07/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Museo delle Religioni“Raffaele Pettazzoni”, Scuola di Alta Formazionein Studi...