Il teatro della πόλις tra intrattenimento e politica: nuove interpretazioni del dramma greco antico
III Seminario Internacional de Posgrado en Investigación y Teoría de Género - 21-22/11/2019, Málaga
JIA 2019 Pontevedra (XII Xornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica) -16-17-18-19/10/2019, Po
International Ovidian Society European Launch - 18-19/06/2019, Pisa (Italy)
38th Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop - 08/06/2019, Nicosia (Cyprus)
Aegean Archaeology Work-in-Progress Day - 10/06/2019, Cambridge (England)
Workshop on Athens ca. 500 BC - 13-14-15/06/2019, Wien (Austria)
Ancient Revelation: Divination, Prophecy and Epiphany - 25-26-27/06/2019, Durham (England)
The Greeks and the Irrational - 09/07/2019, London (England)
The dance of priests, matronae, and philosophers: Aspects of dance culture in Rome and the Roman emp