Workshop: “Viticulture and Wine in Hittite Anatolia and Its Ancient Near Eastern Context: Philologic
CALL. 01.03.2017: [PANEL 15 at ASOR 2017] Meeting the Expenses: ANE Economies - Boston, MA (USA)
Encuentro Internacional: "La Ruta de la Seda. A través de los Imperios" - 24-25/04/2017, M
CALL. 15.03.2017: [POSTERS] Encuentro Internacional: "La Ruta de la Seda. A través de los Imper
Under the Mediterranean: 100 years on... -20-21-22-23-24/10/2017, Nicosia (Cyprus)
CALL. 31.01.2017: Under the Mediterranean: 100 years on... - Nicosia (Cyprus)
CALL. 01.03.2017: [PANEL 6 at ASOR 2017] Glass in the Ancient Near East - Boston (MA, USA)
Archéologie et Gobelets XXI-17-18-19-20-21/05/2017, Kiel (Germany)
CALL. 31.01.2017: Archéologie et Gobelets XXI - Kiel (Germany)
The Orientalizing cultures in the Mediterranean, 8th-6th cent. BC. Origins, cultural contacts and lo