CALL. 15.12.2020: ASMOSIA XIII International Conference - Wien (Austria)
Engraved gems in the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea area - 13-14/05/2021 (Online, Zoom)
CALL. 01.01.2021: Engraved gems in the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea area - Online
Mediterranean Flows: People, Ideas and Objects in Motion - 10-11/12/2020 - (Online)
Women, wealth, and power in the Roman Republic - Online (Zoom)
CALL. 30.11.2020: Women, wealth, and power in the Roman Republic - Online (Zoom)
Journée Annuelle Non-thématique du Séminaire Universitaire "Synoikismos" - 24/11/2020, Bru
Annus nefastus. Infortunios, cambios y oportunidades en el mundo romano -16-17/12/2020, (Online)
CALL. 16.11.2020: Annus nefastus. Infortunios, cambios y oportunidades en el mundo romano - (Online)
AIUCD 2021 "DHs for society:e-quality, participation, rights and values in the Digital Age"