3rd PAThs Conference "Coptic Literature in Context. The Contexts of Coptic Literature: Late Ant
Convegno internazionale "Luoghi nella storia. Concezione, uso e trasformazione dello spazio&quo
CALL. 14.04.2019: Convegno internazionale "Luoghi nella storia. Concezione, uso e trasformazion
ARMA VIRIQUE. La guerra y sus protagonistas durante la Antigüedad: Ayer y hoy - 14-15/03/2019, Málag
Congreso Internacional "La Violencia en la Historia" - 09-10-11/10/2019, Salamanca (Spain)
CALL. 30.04.2019: Congreso Internacional "La Violencia en la Historia" - Salamanca (Spain)
Workshop on Tebtynis, From the site to archives and collections - 21/02/2019, Pisa (Italy)
International Conference on Manipulation and Perception. Forms and Ways of Persuasive Communication
CALL. 30.04.2019: International Conference on Manipulation and Perception. Forms and Ways of Persuas
CALL. 28.02.2019: [SESSION 1] Gods in Translations: The Many Names of Ancient Semitic Gods (EABS 201