Rape, Revenge and Transformation: Tereus Through the Ages - 07/12/2019, Roehampton (England)
[POSTPONED] V Hellenistic Warfare Conference - 14-15/05/2020, Barcelona (Spain)
CALL. 30.10.2019: V Hellenistic Warfare Conference - Barcelona (Spain)
The 8th PeClA 2019 International Postgraduate Conference Perspectives of Classical Archaeology - 30/
CALL. 01.10.2019: The 8th PeClA 2019 International Postgraduate Conference Perspectives of Classical
Latino e Copto: lingue, letterature, culture in contatto. Sondaggi dall'Egitto della Tarda Antic
Using Ancient Treebanks: Reports and Dreams - 20-21/09/2019, Helsinki (Finland)
Grecques et Égyptiennes. Genre, ethnicité et agentivité en Égypte hellénistique et romaine - 27/09/2
Materiality as Decor: aesthetics, semantics and function - 03-04-05-06/06/2020, Kiel (Germany)
CALL. 01.10.2019: Materiality as Decor: aesthetics, semantics and function - Kiel (Germany)