CALL. 20.03.2020: Bridging the Gap (17th Annual PGF Conference) - Newcastle (England)
The Women’s Classical Committee Annual Meeting 2020: Green Shoots in Classics - 24/04/2020, Online
The Logic and Perception of Persuasion in Ancient Stoicism - 20-21-22/05/2020, Canterbury (England)
CALL. 30.03.2020: The Logic and Perception of Persuasion in Ancient Stoicism - Canterbury (England)
Prometheus Trust Conference 2020 - 26-27-28/06/2020, Mancetter (England)
CALL. 03.04.2020: Prometheus Trust Conference 2020 - Mancetter (England)
Editing Greek and Roman Fragmentary Drama: A Word to the Editors [POSTPONED] - 23/03/2020, Oxford (E
7th Birmingham Egyptology Symposium: "Biography in ancient Egypt" - 21/05/2021, Online (Zoom)
CALL. 02.04.2021: 7th Birmingham Egyptology Symposium: "Biography in ancient Egypt" - Online (Zoom)
Text and Textuality -15-16-17/07/2021, Durham (England)