CALL. 15.07.2019: V Congreso Internacional De Jóvenes investigadores. Mundo Hispánico: Cultura, Arte
go to CONGRESS El V Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores “Mundo hispánico: cultura, arte y sociedad” se celebrará los días...

Come da sorgente perenne - persistenza e attualità dell'antico - 30/05/2019, Parma (Italy)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 30/05/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Parma - Dipartimento di Discipline Umanistiche, Sociali e delle Imprese...

Coins and Visual Media: Influences, Connections and Intersections - 13/06/2019, Warwick (England)
This interdisciplinary colloquium aims to gather contributions from scholars specialised in the study of different cultures (Greek,...

Congreso internacional Exemplum et spolia. La reutilización arquitectónica en la transformación del
go to CALL FOR PAPERS La ciudad histórica es una superposición de culturas que habitan un espacio urbano desde la creación del primer...

Détours et Rétours - 22/05/2018, (Toulouse, France)
Cette journée d’étude propose d’interroger les notions de « retours » et de « détours » dans l’Antiquité en s’appuyant sur la richesse et...

The Restitution of the Classics in Ancient Régime France - 28/05/2018, Saint Clotilde (Reunion, Fran
The workshop aims to investigate, within a variety of different forms (epic, comedy, tragedy, etc.), the processes of ‘restitution’ of...

Women's Classical Committee UK AGM 2019: Foremothers - 10/05/2019, Cardiff (Wales)
Our theme this year is 'Foremothers'. Who are the women who have come before us? Who inspired us to come into this discipline, and who...

Games and Gaming Symposium. History and Archaeology - 09/05/2019, Glasgow (Scotland)
32 million people across the UK play video games, across a wide variety of genres, supporting a multi-billion-pound industry in which...

Homenagem ao Professor Aires A. Nascimento - 18-19-20/07/2019, Lisboa (Portugal)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Em Julho deste ano, o Professor Aires A. Nascimento faz 80 anos. Para comemorar essa data, o Centro de Estudos...

CALL. 15.05.2019: Homenagem ao Professor Aires A. Nascimento - Lisboa (Portugal)