Lenguas y escrituras paleoeuropeas: retos y perspectivas de estudio - 13-14-15/03/2019, Roma (Italy)
12th Annual MOISA Meeting “From Past to Present: Transforming historical musical data into possible
CALL. 15.03.2019: 12th Annual MOISA Meeting “From Past to Present: Transforming historical musical d
Divinità, Miti e Riti nella Fantascienza e nel Fantasy - 02-03-04-05-06/07/2019, Velletri (Italy)
CALL.20.04.2019: Divinità, Miti e Riti nella Fantascienza e nel Fantasy - Velletri (Italy)
Temporalities, Ideologies, Poetics: Ancient and Early Modern Perspectives -12-13/09/2019, Venezia (I
CALL. 08.03.2019: Temporalities, Ideologies, Poetics: Ancient and Early Modern Perspectives - Venezi
Classical Antiquity and Local Identities: from Newfoundland to Nigeria and Ghana- 07-08-09/03/2019,
The Ranieri Colloquium - Inequality: Ancient and Modern - 07-08/03/2019, New York (NY, USA)
CALL. 01.03.2019: [PANEL 11] Imperial Virgil (SCS 2020) - Washington, (DC, USA)