La sacralisation de figures ‘païennes’ à la fin de l’Antiquité (IIIe-VIe s.) : Poètes, philosophes,
The Old Babylonian Diyala: Research since the 1930s and Prospects - 25-26/06/2018, Paris (France)
Horapollon : Hellénisme et hiéroglyphes dans l’Antiquité tardive - 13-14/06/2018, Paris (France)
Nouvelles recherches sur l'Arménie ancienne - 08-09/06/2018, Genève (Switzerland)
Distinctive Traits of Humanism in the Iberian Peninsula and Spanish and Portuguese America (16th and
CALL. 15.06.2018: Distinctive Traits of Humanism in the Iberian Peninsula and Spanish and Portuguese
The Joseph Story between Egypt and Israel - 15-16/06/2018, Lausanne (Switzerland)
Aspects of Leadership in the Ancient World - 07-08/06/2018, Rethymnon (Greece)
Espressioni del pubblico e del privato nelle arti performative della Roma barocca -07/06/2018, Roma
Entre archétype et épigone : allers et retours en grammaire et rhétorique - 07/06/2018, Paris (Franc