The Frightful and the Familiar: Exploring the Uncanny in the Ancient World - 02/08/2018, Liverpool (
CALL 03.07.2018: The Frightful and the Familiar: Exploring the Uncanny in the Ancient World - Liverp
International Colloquium 'Tzetzes' - 06-07-08/09/2018, Venezia (Italy)
Heidegger and the Classics - 08/11/2018, London (England)
Constructing Authors and Readers in the Appendices Vergiliana, Tibulliana, and Ovidiana - 06-07-08/0
Poetic Places: material ecocriticism and classical poetry - 18-19/07/2018, Exeter (England)
Ambiguities: Concepts of Frames and Affordances in the Study of Ancient Visual Culture - 02-03-04/11
CALL. 01.08.2018: Ambiguities: Concepts of Frames and Affordances in the Study of Ancient Visual Cu
Mythological Panoramas: tracing distortions and fictions of landscape across time and space - 04/10/
CALL. 07.07.2018: Mythological Panoramas: tracing distortions and fictions of landscape across time