CALL. 15.02.2017: [PANEL 6 at SCS 2018] Classical Reception Studies - Boston (MA, USA)
CALL. 20.02.2017: [PANEL 4 at SCS 2018] Early Modern Translation - Boston (MA, USA)
CALL.31.01.2017 [PANEL 13 at CCC]: La réception du théâtre antique dans les travaux savants de l'
La poésie latine de l'Antiquité tardive entre tradition classique et inspiration chrétienne - 20
2017 Society of Biblical Literature Meeting (EABS-ISBL) - 07-08-09-10-11/08/2017, Berlin (Germany)
Sénèque dans l'Antiquité et à la Renaissance - 11/01/2017, Amiens (France)
Origeniana XII: "Origen´s legacy in the Holy Land. A Tale of Three Cities: Jerusalem, Caesarea
CALL. 28.02.2017: Origeniana XII: "Origen´s legacy in the Holy Land. A Tale of Three Cities: Je
CALL. 15.02.2017 [PANEL 12 at CCC]: "Performing Epic/Epic Performance" - Montreal (Canad
Domitian´s Rome and the Augustan legacy - 01-02/09/2017, Columbia (MO, USA)