Doing things with words on stage. Pragmatics and its use in ancient drama - 04-05-06-07/07/2018, Zur
CALL. 14.08.2017: Doing things with words on stage. Pragmatics and its use in ancient drama - Zurich
Understanding Each Other in Antiquity. 5th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Ancient Lan
La magia aggressiva nel mondo antico - 21/06/2017, Firenze (Italy)
Disputation Poems in the Near East and Beyond. Ancient and Modern - 12-13/07/2017, Madrid (Spain)
2nd Roehampton Classical Student Research Event- 30/05/2017, London (England)
Linguistic representations of identity. In rhetoric ancient and modern - 12-13-14/06/2017, Kraków (P
Inclusiveness, Interdependence and Interconnectedness (2017 Association of History, Literature, Scie
CALL. 01.06.2017: Inclusiveness, Interdependence and Interconnectedness (2017 Association of History
Testo, occasione, destinatario. Una giornata di studio sulla poesia latina per Mario Citroni -29/05/