Localism in the Hellenistic World - 26-27-28/04/2018, Waterloo (Canada)
CALL. 01.07.2017: Localism in the Hellenistic World - Waterloo (Canada)
Piracy, pillaging and plunder in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Colloquium in the 32nd Biennial Co
CALL. 30.07.2017: Piracy, pillaging and plunder in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Colloquium in th
The Table of the Senses and the Senses of the Table - 25-26-27/10/2017, Coimbra (Portugal)
CALL. 15.06.2017: The Table of the Senses and the Senses of the Table - Coimbra (Portugal)
Egitto e Vicino Oriente antichi: tra passato e futuro - 05-06/06/2017, Pisa (Italy)
4º Forum-Estudante em História e Culturas da Alimentação - 22/05/2017, Coimbra (Portugal)
CALL. 09.04.2017: 4º Forum-Estudante em História e Culturas da Alimentação - Coimbra (Portugal)
The Impact of Learning Greek, Hebrew and ‘Oriental’ Languages On Scholarship, Science, and Society i