CALL. 31.05.2016: Paideia and Humanitas. To form and educate yesterday and today - Lisboa (Portugal)
Classical Philology goes digital. Working on textual phenomena of ancient texts - 16-17/02/2016, Pos
CALL.15.05.2016: Classical Philology goes digital. Working on textual phenomena of ancient texts - P
2016 Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature: Repetition in Ancient Literature - 20-21
CALL. 01.06.2016: 2016 Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature: Repetition in Ancient
What is Latin about Latin America? Elite Culture, History, and the Making of a Continental Identity
Omero, Esiodo, Eschilo, Pindaro: forme e trasmissione dell'esegesi antica - 23-24-25/05/2016, Bo
II JDCCA: Temas y tendencias actuales de investigación - 20-21/10/2016, Zaragoza (Spain)
CALL. 10.09.2016: II JDCCA: Temas y tendencias actuales de investigación - Zaragoza (Spain)
Refuge and Refugees in the Ancient World - 11-12/11/2016, New York (NY, USA)