CALL. 07.01.2019: Classics in the Anthropocene - Toronto (Canada)
Paradeigmata: Examples and Precedents across Time -13-14/06/2019, (London, England)
CALL. 12.01.2019: Paradeigmata: Examples and Precedents across Time (London, England)
Postgraduate papers for Northern Association of Ancient Philosophy at Manchester - 15-16/04/2019, Ma
Cicerone, l'eloquenza, l'humanitas - 13-14/11/2018, Macerata (Italy)
6th annual Oslo Ancient Philosophy Conference: Plato and the Ancient Platonic Tradition - 09-10/11/2
Ippocrate e gli altri. XVI. Colloquium Hippocraticum - 25-26-27/10/2018, Roma (Italy)
12th Celtic Conference in Classics - 26-27-28-29/06/2019, Coimbra (Portugal)
CALL. 15.11.2018: [PANELS] 12th Celtic Conference in Classics - Coimbra (Portugal)
Formal Causation - 22-23/10/2018, Rostock (Germany)