Amor y metamorfosis de la Antigüedad a la Edad Media. VIII Jornadas de Estudios Clásicos y Medievale
CALL. 31.07.2017: Amor y metamorfosis de la Antigüedad a la Edad Media. VIII Jornadas de Estudios Cl
The boundaries of the Human in ancient thought -28/07/2017, Lisboa (Portugal)
Confucius and Cicero, old ideas for a new world, new ideas for an old world - 05-06/09/2017, Torino
Workshop: Early modern civil religion - 14/09/2017, Newcastle (England)
CALL. 18.08.2017: Workshop: Early modern civil religion - Newcastle (England)
Fragments: A Sharing Day -31/07/2017, London (England)
Fährtenlesen. Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen in antiken Gesellschaften - 03-04/11/2017, Bonn (Germany)
CALL. 06.08.2017: Fährtenlesen. Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen in antiken Gesellschaften - Bonn (Germany)
Nonnus of Panopolis in Context IV -19-20-21/04/2018, Ghent (Belgium)