The 2016 UK Ancient Historians' Annual Meeting (the 'Norman Baynes' meeting) -21-22/05/2
Poesía, verdad y filosofía: Platón y nosotros - 16-17/06/2016, Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
CALL. 30.04.2016: Ecstatic Ancient/Archaic Thought and Analytical Psychology: An Inquiry - London (E
Ecstatic Ancient/Archaic Thought and Analytical Psychology: An Inquiry - 15-16/07/2016, London (Engl
John Chrysostom and Severian of Gabala: Homilists, Exegetes and Theologians - 07-08-09/11/2016, Leuv
CALL. 30.04.2016: John Chrysostom and Severian of Gabala: Homilists, Exegetes and Theologians. Leuve
Classics and Cognitive Theory - 27-28/10/2016, New York (USA)
CALL. 08.04.2016: Classics and Cognitive Theory - New York (USA)
Ecstatic Ancient/Archaic Thought and Analytical Psychology: An Inquiry - 15-16/07/2016, London (Engl
Penn Ancient Workshop: Lucretius - 16/04/2016, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA)