The Poetry and Aesthetics of Late Antiquity - 03-04/09/2015, Edinburgh (Scotland)
Essence, Power, and Activity in Classical and Late Antiquity - 08-09/09/2015, Oxford (England)
Théories et pratiques étymologiques en grec : philosophie de la langue et jeux de mots - 18-19/03/20
CALL. 15.09.2015: Théories et pratiques étymologiques en grec: philosophie de la langue et jeux de m
Contests of Speech and Song - 11-12-13/09/2015, Oxford (England)
Liberty: an Ancient Idea for the Contemporany World - 05-06/06/2015, London (England)
XI International Plato Society Symposium: Plato's Phaedo - 04-05-06-07-08/07/2016, Brasilia (Bra
CALL. 12.09.2015: XI International Plato Society Symposium: Plato's Phaedo - Brasilia (Brazil)
Symbols and metaphors. The Sixth Annual Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference at the Department
Ritual Dynamics in Late Antiquity - 03/06/2015, St Andrews (Scotland)