Sexuality of persuasion: Body, garb, and gender in Greek oratory- 08/04/2016, Edinburgh (Scotland)
110th CANE Annual Meeting - 18-19/03/2016, Smith College Northampton (MA, USA)
XVIII Coloquio Internacional de AEIHM, “Autoridad, poder e influencia: Mujeres que hacen Historia” -
CALL. 15.03.2016: XVIII Coloquio Internacional de AEIHM, “Autoridad, poder e influencia: Mujeres que
Gendering roman imperialism - 07-08/06/2016, London (England)
CALL. 11.03.2016: Gendering roman imperialism - London (England)
An Undiscovered Woman-from Antiquity to Contemporary Times - 22-23/09/2016, Lublin (Poland)
CALL. 31/03/2016: An Undiscovered Woman-from Antiquity to Contemporary Times - Lublin (Poland)
CALL. 01.03.2016: [Tr]an[s]tiquity: Theorizing Gender Diversity in Ancient Contexts (LCL at SCS 2017
(Re)viewing Reality: Visuality and Perception in the Ancient World - 01-02/04/2016, Toronto (Canada)