JIA 2019 Pontevedra (XII Xornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica) -16-17-18-19/10/2019, Po
CALL. 23.06.2019: JIA 2019 Pontevedra (XII Xornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica) - Pont
'Becoming' and the Roman World - 11-12/09/2019, Durham (England)
CALL. 28.06.2019: 'Becoming' and the Roman World - Durham (England)
2nd Egyptological Conference. Quod est Superius est sicut quod est Inferius: The Cosmic Hypostasis a
CALL. 10.06.2019: 2nd Egyptological Conference. Quod est Superius est sicut quod est Inferius: The C
Archaeology of the Invisible. Forced Migration and Modeling Materiality in Contexts of Cultural Mobi
The Citizen in Late Antiquity - 25/11/2019, Utrecht (Netherlands)
CALL. 26.07.2019: The Citizen in Late Antiquity - Utrecht (Netherlands)
Women's Classical Committee UK AGM 2019: Foremothers - 10/05/2019, Cardiff (Wales)