CALL. 31.03.2018: Il teatro delle emozioni. La paura - Padova (Italy)
VIII Coloquio Internacional. Cartografías del yo en el mundo antiguo. Estrategias de su textualizaci
CALL. 30.03.2018: VIII Coloquio Internacional. Cartografías del yo en el mundo antiguo. Estrategias
Stranger Things: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Marvels in the Ancient World -18/05/2018, Philad
CALL.11.03.2018: Stranger Things: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Marvels in the Ancient World, P
ICS public engagement workshop - 22/03/2018, London (England)
CALL. 16.02.2018: [PANEL 13] Turning Queer: Queerness and the Trope (LCC at SCS 2019) - San Diego (
Truth, Lies, and Language in Ancient Mediterranean Religion - 11-12-13/03/2018, Davis (CA, USA)
CALL. 15.02.2018: [PANEL 10 at ASOR 2018] Object, Text and Image: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Se
CALL. 15.02.2018: [PANEL 5 at ASOR 2018] Approaches to Dress and the Body - Denver (CO, USA)