Méthodes d’interprétation de l’image antique : regards croisés - 02/05/2017, Liège (Belgium)
Représentations et réceptions de la figure de la sagesse dans l’Antiquité -15-16/06/2017, Lille (Fra
Visualising War on and off the page: interplay between battle narratives across Antiquity - 14-15/0
Incontro AMA-MIUR per docenti: "Noi stranieri" - 05-06/05/2017, Roma (Italy)
Foreign Women in the Bible and the Ancient Near East -05-06/04/2017, Jerusalem (Israel)
Nebuchadnezzar. History, Archaeology and Memory - 27/04/2017, Tel Aviv (Israel)
Domesticated Landscapes. Incorporating nature in Roman houses and villas. Pompeii, Herculaneum, and
CALL. 31.03.2017: [POSTERS] Domesticated Landscapes. Incorporating nature in Roman houses and villas
Colloque Graphè 2017 : Les Psaumes de David - 23-24/03/2017, Arras (France)
Rencontre franco-italienne "L'archéologie funéraire en Italie du Sud (fin VIe - début IIIe