Abitare il Mediterraneo - 28-29-30/10/2019, Bologna (Italy)
CALL. 16.04.2019: Abitare il Mediterraneo- Bologna (Italy)
Le 12 Fatiche di Herakles. Tra Iconografia e Letteratura - 05-06-07-08/06/2019, Velletri (Italy)
CALL. 01.04.2019: Le 12 Fatiche di Herakles. Tra Iconografia e Letteratura - Velletri (Italy)
Memoria Scientiae- 21-22-23/02/2019, Palermo (Italy)
Workshop on Tebtynis, From the site to archives and collections - 21/02/2019, Pisa (Italy)
Il patrimonio memoriale della generazione postsillana - 21-22/02/2019, Roma (Italy)
Livio e la storiografia - 14/02/2019, Torino (Italy)
International Conference on Manipulation and Perception. Forms and Ways of Persuasive Communication
CALL. 30.04.2019: International Conference on Manipulation and Perception. Forms and Ways of Persuas