CALL. 01.12.2017: Spring School on "Urban Religion" - Roma (Italy)
Variation and contact in the Ancient Indo-European languages: between Linguistics and Philology - 19
CALL. 20.12.2017: Variation and contact in the Ancient Indo-European languages: between Linguistics
La comunicazione epistolare tra Classicità e Rinascimento: scelte tematiche e aspetti formali -23/11
Maschere, teatro e rituali funerari nel mondo antico - 16-17/11/2017, Roma (Italy)
Profanazioni - 14-15/11/2017, Padova (Italy)
I segni dell’abitare. Verucchio e il popolamento della valle del Marecchia - 24-25/11/2017, Pavia (I
CALL. 20.12.2017: European Academy of Religion Annual Conference - Bologna (Italy)
European Academy of Religion Annual Conference - 05-06-07-08/03/2018, Bologna (Italy)
CALL. 10.12.2017: Litany in the Arts and Culture (European Academy of Religion Annual Conference) -