In Vino Veio. Storie della Vite e del Vino in Etruria Meridionale - 11/11/2017, Formello (Italy)
"Prospettive sidoniane" international conference - 20/11/2017, Bari (Italy)
Constructing Kurgans: Burial Mounds and Funerary Customs in the Caucasus, northwestern Iran and east
CALL. 01.12.2017: Constructing Kurgans: Burial Mounds and Funerary Customs in the Caucasus, northwes
Ovidio, il mito, la Metamorfosi - 07-08/11/2017, Macerata (Italy)
Lettori latini e italiani di Ovidio. Duemila anni di ricezione - 09-10/11/2017, Torino (Italy)
14th AISB workshop: Byzantium in space and time. Constantinople, Syria - 10-11/11/2017, Roma (Italy
Convegno Internazionale di Studi Umberto M. Fasola nel centenario della nascita (1917-2017) L’Archeo
Tracing Technology, celebrating 40 years of Archaeological Research at Satricum -25-26-27-28/10/2017
Homer Between Two Worlds. The Reception of Homer in the Renaissance, from Byzantion to the West - 21