Deliciae Fictiles V. Networks and Workshops. Fifth International Conference on Architectural Terraco
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The fifth conference on Architectural Terracottas in Ancient Italy and beyond (Deliciae Fictiles V), will be held...

CALL 01.11.2017: Deliciae Fictiles V. Networks and Workshops. Fifth International Conference on Arch
go to CONGRESS The fifth conference on Architectural Terracottas in Ancient Italy and beyond (Deliciae Fictiles V), will be held at the...

EUAH 2018: Urban renewal and resilience: cities in comparative perspective - 29-30-31/08 - 01/09/201
go to CALL FOR PAPERS L'incontro che si propone vorrebbe prendere spunto dall'opera ovidiana per stimolare un confronto interdisciplinare...

CALL 05.10.2017: EUAH 2018: Urban renewal and resilience: cities in comparative perspective - Roma (

Metamorfosi: Identità in smottamento - 30/11-01/12/2017, Urbino (Italy)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS L'incontro che si propone vorrebbe prendere spunto dall'opera ovidiana per stimolare un confronto interdisciplinare...

CALL 10.10.2017: Metamorfosi: Identità in smottamento - Urbino (Italy)
go to CONGRESS L'incontro che si propone vorrebbe prendere spunto dall'opera ovidiana per stimolare un confronto interdisciplinare sul...

Colloquium on Material Culture and Ancient Religion. Religion and Empire: Agency and Intersecting Id
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The Colloquia on Material Culture and Religion are occasional traveling programs for scholars of Christian origins...

CALL 30.10.2017: Colloquium on Material Culture and Ancient Religion. Religion and Empire: Agency an
go to CONGRESS The Colloquia on Material Culture and Religion are occasional traveling programs for scholars of Christian origins and...

Orality and Writing: the two faces of words -11-12/01/2018, Padova (Italy)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS « More than any other single invention, writing has transformed human consciousness». To those living in a society...

CALL.15.09.2017: Orality and Writing: the two faces of words - Padova (Italy)
go to CONGRESS « More than any other single invention, writing has transformed human consciousness». To those living in a society...