Armi votive in Magna Grecia -24-25/11/2017, Salerno (Italy)
CALL. 01.09.2017: Armi votive in Magna Grecia - Salerno (Italy)
Confucius and Cicero, old ideas for a new world, new ideas for an old world - 05-06/09/2017, Torino
Water and the Roman cities and settlements - 03-04/11/2017, Feltre (Italy)
CALL. 30.07.2017: Water and the Roman cities and settlements - Feltre (Italy)
Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tardantichità e AltoMedioevo - 05-06-07/02/2018, Roma (Italy)
CALL. 06.10.2017: Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tardantichità e AltoMedioevo -Roma (Italy)
L’Anatolia antica: politiche imperiali e culture locali tra XV e VI secolo a.C. Problemi di etnicit
Symposium Campanum 2018 - 15/10/2018, Cuma (Italy)
CALL. 21.09.2017: [PROPOSALS] Symposium Campanum 2018 - Cuma (Italy)