Constructing Kurgans: Burial Mounds and Funerary Customs in the Caucasus, northwestern Iran and east
CALL. 01.12.2017: Constructing Kurgans: Burial Mounds and Funerary Customs in the Caucasus, northwes
14th AISB workshop: Byzantium in space and time. Constantinople, Syria - 10-11/11/2017, Roma (Italy
Senses of place - 22-23/02/2018, Roehampton (England)
CALL. 14.11.2017: Senses of place - Roehampton (England)
Mausolea and Funerary Landscape of Ancient North Africa. Acculturation and Regional Identity - 26-27
5th Landscape archaeology conference - 17-18-19-20/09/2018, Newcastle upon Tyne ; Durham (England)
CALL. 31.10.2017: [SESSIONS] 5th Landscape archaeology conference - Newcastle upon Tyne ; Durham (En
VI Seminario de Arqueología de Alhambra. La Oretania en éoca ibérica - 28-29/10/2017, Alhambra (Spai
Encontro interdisciplinar de jovens investigadores. Paisagens, Património e Território (Eji-Pater I)