Cultural Histories of Air and Illness - 08-09/06/2018, Coventry (England)
CALL. 15.01.2018: Cultural Histories of Air and Illness - Coventry (England)
CALL. 16.02.2018: [PANEL 2] Approaching Landscape in the Classical Tradition (Panel at the CCC) - St
Monuments and memory: Contesting identity in the Classical Landscape - 21/04/2018, Berkeley (CA, USA
CALL. 01.01.2018: Monuments and memory: Contesting identity in the Classical Landscape - Berkeley (C
Local and global: the literary landscape and the politics of place in the Hellenistic world - 24/03/
CALL. 20.12.2017: Local and global: the literary landscape and the politics of place in the Hellenis
XVIII° UISPP mondial congress - 03-04-05-06-07-08-09/06/2018, Paris (France)
CALL [SESSION 1]. 30.11.2017: Climatic variability and societal responses during the Metal Ages in E
The Dancing Floor of Ares: Local Conflict and Regional Violence in Central Greece - 09/11/2017, Mont