Nuevos Enfoques en Epigrafía Latina - 10-11/12/2019, Salamanca (Spain)
Tragedy and national identity in Hélisenne de Crenne’s Aeneid I-IV - 30/11/2019, London (England)
Workshop Kommunikation mit der Unterwelt / Communication with the Underworld -28-29/11/2019, Vienna
International Doctoral Conference “Dall’ombre al chiaro lume. The Enigma and its declensions in Lite
CALL. 30.01.2020: International Doctoral Conference “Dall’ombre al chiaro lume. The Enigma and its d
VIII Convegno internazionale "Poesia greca e latina in età tardoantica e medievale" - 19-2
Symposium: Classicising learning, performance and power - 12-13-14/12/2019, Edinburgh (Scotland)
Origins and Original Moments in Late Greek and Latin Literature II - 16-17/12/2019, Ghent (Belgium)
Ekphrastisches Erzählen II - 06-07/12/2019, Graz (Austria)
I manoscritti greci della Biblioteca Palatina: codice, testo e immagine - 28/11/2019, Parma (Italy)