Los procesos de formación del feudalismo. La península ibérica en el contexto Europeo - 12-13/09/201
CALL. 30.05.2019: Los procesos de formación del feudalismo. La península ibérica en el contexto Euro
From Antiquity to Modernity. Performing Greek and Roman Drama in Modern Europe - 22-23-24-25-26/05/2
The Allure of the Ancient: Early Modern Receptions of the Ancient Near East - 06-07/04/2019, Provide
PARTHENON2, Digital Approaches to Architectural Heritage -28-29-30/03/2019, Nashville (TN, USA)
Living Communities and their Archaeologies - 12-13-14/09/2019, Helsinki (Finland)
CALL. 30.04.3019: Living Communities and their Archaeologies - Helsinki (Finland)
’In thy arms I lost myself’ – Images, Perceptions and Productions in/of Antiquity - 09-10-11/10/2019
CALL. 30.04.2019: ’In thy arms I lost myself’ – Images, Perceptions and Productions in/of Antiquity
Autun capitale des langues anciennes - 30-31/03/2019, Autun (France)