CALL. 23.11.2018: Contested Heritage: adaptation, restoration and innovation in the Late Antique and
Visiones Sobre Egipto III- 21-22-23/11/2018, Zaragoza (Spain)
Los días 21, 22 y 23 de noviembre se celebrará, en el Salón de Actos de la Biblioteca María Moliner de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras,...
La edición de los clásicos latinos en el Renacimiento: textos, lectores y herencia cultural- 14-15-1
Las ediciones de autores clásicos latinos en los s. XV y XVI conforman un rico patrimonio histórico y textual que atesoran nuestras...
Identités, Ethnicités et Genre dans l'Antiquité - 29-30/11-01/12/2018, Lille (France)
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 29-30/11-01/12/2018 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Lille, Maison de la recherche,Salle des Colloques (Lille,...
Transforming Classics: 150 Years of Classical Studies in New York - 13/11/2018, New York (NY, USA)
NYU's Center for Ancient Studies will host “Transforming Classics: 150 Years of Classical Studies in New York,” a symposium that will...
Cicerone, l'eloquenza, l'humanitas - 13-14/11/2018, Macerata (Italy)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 13-14/11/2018 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Polo Pantaleoni (via Pescheria Vecchia), Aula Blu (Macerata, Italy)...
The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium: Continuities and Transformations - 1
The conference will look at writings on ethics and morality from Late Antiquity and Byzantium with the aim of examining their distinctive...
AMPAH 2019. Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History - 16/03/2019, Cambridge (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Call for Papers for the Annual Meeting of UK and Eire Postgraduates in Ancient History (AMPAH) at the University of...
CALL. 14.12.2018: AMPAH 2019. Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History - Cambridge (Englan
go to CONGRESS Call for Papers for the Annual Meeting of UK and Eire Postgraduates in Ancient History (AMPAH) at the University of...
Claiming the Classical: classics and politics in the 21st century- 09/11/2018, London (England)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 09/11/2018 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House, London (London, England)...