A lição dos clássicos em Camilo Castelo Branco - 12-13-14/04/2018, Braga (Portugal)
CALL. 11.02.2017: A lição dos clássicos em Camilo Castelo Branco - Braga (Portugal)
Hacks, Quacks and Impostors: Affected and Assumed Identities in Fiction - 17/11/2017, Freiburg (Germ
CALL. 20.08.2017: Hacks, Quacks and Impostors: Affected and Assumed Identities in Fiction - Freiburg
V Seminario Internacional UNED. El legado de Roma en Hispania V - 12-13-14/07/2017, Cuenca (Spain)
Work in Progress seminar ICS [Term 1] -10/2017-11/2017-12/2017, London (England)
CALL. 11.08.2017: Postgraduate Work in Progress seminar ICS - London (England)
Seventh Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World (AMPRAW) - 23-24/11/20
CALL. 03.09.2017: Seventh Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World (AMP
CALL. 31.08.2017: Classical Association Conference 2018 - Leicester (England)