Greek studies in 15-16th century Europe: Future research perspectives - 19/06/2017, Oxford (England
"Hortus inclusus": Expanding Boundaries of Space and Time - 27-28/06/2017, Roma (Italy)
Encounters with Elites in the Ancient World. Leadership, Lifestyles, Legitimacy - 30-31/08 - 01/09/2
19. Neulateinisches Symposion NeoLatina. Pascoli Latinus. Neue Beiträge zur Edition und Interpretat
Ve Atelier International de la Société d’études Platoniciennes / Vth SEP International Workshop - 0
Linguistic representations of identity. In rhetoric ancient and modern - 12-13-14/06/2017, Kraków (P
Working with Cultural Objects and Manuscripts: Provenance, Legality, and Responsible Stewardship -05
Per totum orbem terrarum est ... limitum constitutio. Confini di popoli e territori nel mondo romano
CALL. 15/06/2017: [POSTERS] Gender and Identities in Peloponnesian Antiquity - Nottingham (England)
CALL. 31.05.2017: Encountering the ancients: Philological reception in the Renaissance (RSA 2018)