CALL. 01.03.2016: Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Workshop “Into new frames. De-contextualisation and
Materiality of Communication - 16-17-18-19/11/2016, San Antonio (USA)
CALL. 15.02.2016: Materiality of Communication - San Antonio (USA)
18th NeoLatina: Neo-Latin Metre - 17-18/06/2016, Freiburg (Germany)
Portals, Gates: The Classics in Modernist Translation - 30/04, 01/05/2016, Montréal (Canada)
CALL. 10/01/2016: Portals, Gates: The Classics in Modernist Translation - Montréal (Canada)
Civilization and Its Opposite in Antiquity. 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Ancien
Texts & Contexts VII. The Influence of Vernacular Discourses on Neo-Latin Literature - 21-22-23/
CALL. 20.12.2015: Texts & Contexts VII. The Influence of Vernacular Discourses on Neo-Latin Lite
Cambridge Linguistics and Philology Seminars - 28/10, 04-11-18-25/11, 02/12/2015, Cambridge (England