Il codice Salmasiano (Par. Lat. 10318): i suoi testi, le sue immagini - 15/03/2018, Perugia (Italy)
Le temps dans l’Antiquité. Perceptions, conceptions et représentations du temps chez les Grecs et le
(Mis)use of Sources: Ancient and Modern - 16-17-18-19-20/07/2018, Innsbruck (Austria)
CALL. 20.03.2018: (Mis)use of Sources: Ancient and Modern - Innsbruck (Austria)
CALL. 20.02.2018: [PANEL 11] Mythography not Mythology: Boundaries and Commentaries (Panel at the CC
Sounds of the Hellenic World II: C.P. Cavafy: The poetics of history and the music of poetry - 11-12
Colloque international "Présences ovidiennes" - 08-09-10/11/2018, Clermont-Ferrand (France
CALL. 15.01.2018: Colloque international "Présences ovidiennes" - Clermont-Ferrand (France
Roman Cultural Memory under the Empire - 07-08-09/03/2018, Sao Paulo (Brazil)
Jornades Internacionals sobre el Món Clàssic en Honor de Carles Miralles -18-19/01/2018, Barcelona (