The Language of Law in Ancient Documents: Transformation and Continuity of Legal Formulae in Diachro
La edición de los clásicos latinos en el Renacimiento: textos, lectores y herencia cultural- 14-15-1
The Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference - 11-12-13/04/2019, Lexington (KY, USA)
CALL. 12.11.2018: The Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference - Lexington (KY, USA)
Comparing Greek Colonies: mobility and settlement consolidation from Southern Italy to the Black Sea
Dreams and Prophecies in ancient Mediterranean Basin - 13/11/2018, Aix-en-Provence (France)
Le molte parole dell'intertestualità - 22-23/11/2018, Milano (Italy)
6th annual Oslo Ancient Philosophy Conference: Plato and the Ancient Platonic Tradition - 09-10/11/2
Multilinguismi nell’antichità classica: tra ricerca e prospettive didattiche - 09/11/2018, Roma (Ita
The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium: Continuities and Transformations - 1