18th IANLS Conference: Half a Century of Neo-Latin Studies - 01-02-03-04-05-06/08/2021, Leuven (Belg
CALL. 15.05.2020: 18th IANLS Conference: Half a Century of Neo-Latin Studies - Leuven (Belgium)
CALL. 21.02.2020: AMPAL 2020. Fear in Ancient Culture - Reading (England)
26th EAA Annual Meeting - 26-27-28-29-30/08/2020, Budapest (Hungary)
Homer Day 2020 - 25/01/2020, London (England)
Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting (SCS2021) - 07-08-09-10/01/2021, Chicago (IL, USA)
[POSTPONED] AMPAL 2020. Fear in Ancient Culture - 15-16/06/2020, Reading (England)
CRASIS Annual Meeting. LIGHTS ON! Ancient light and lighting: Perceptions, Practices and Beliefs - 1
CALL. 07.01.2020: CRASIS Annual Meeting. LIGHTS ON! Ancient light and lighting: Perceptions, Practic
I ‘meccanismi’ del sistema comunicativo orale. Il caso dell’epos nella Grecia arcaica - 13-14-15/11/