CALL. 30.10.2018: Le lettere scarlatte. Tabù della lingua e della letteratura nell’età contemporanea
Symposium Cumanum 2019: Virgil and the Feminine - 20-21-22/06/2019, Cuma (Italy)
CALL. 01.12.2018: Symposium Cumanum 2019: Virgil and the Feminine - Cuma (Italy)
Neo-Latin Symposium 2019 - 11-12-13/04/2019, Cork (Ireland)
CALL. 16.10.2018 [PAPERS/PANELS] Neo-Latin Symposium 2019 - Cork (Ireland)
Sensual Reflections: Re-Thinking the Role of the Senses in the Greco-Roman World - 08-09/12/2018, Ca
CALL. 21.09.2018: Sensual Reflections: Re-Thinking the Role of the Senses in the Greco-Roman World -
Seminar "Introduction to Aetius’ world" - 21-22-23-24-25-26/07/2018, Berlin (Germany)
CALL. 10.07.2018: Seminar "Introduction to Aetius’world" - Berlin (Germany)
Joint Conference on the Bioarchaeology of Ancient Egypt & The International Symposium on Animals