"Hortus inclusus": Expanding Boundaries of Space and Time - 27-28/06/2017, Roma (Italy)
Tavola rotonda "AdriAtlas e i paesaggi costieri dell’Adriatico tra Antichità e Altomedioevo Per
Uomo e ambiente nel mondo greco - 05-06/06/2017, Palermo (Italy)
Current Research on Assyrian Landscapes - 18-19-20/05/2017, Poznań (Poland)
Shedding light on the matter. Ideascapes and Material Worlds in the Land of Thales - 22-23/03/2018,
CALL. 30.06.2017: Shedding light on the matter. Ideascapes and Material Worlds in the Land of Thales
Cityscapes of Hellenistic Sicily: A Reassessment - 15-16-17-18/06/2017, Berlin (Germany)
Under the Greek Sky: Imitation and Geographies of Art after Winckelmann - 15-16/06/2017, London (Eng
Egitto e Vicino Oriente antichi: tra passato e futuro - 05-06/06/2017, Pisa (Italy)
Landscapes of Movement. Religious Space and Topography of the Cyclades, 8th century BCE to 8th centu