Act of the Scribe: Interfaces between scribal work and language use - 06-07-08/04/2017, Athens (Gree
Convegno Humboldtiano: “La magia nel mondo antico. Nuove prospettive”- “Die Magie in der antiken We
Representations of Conflict in the Ancient and Modern World -28/07/2016, Freiburg (Germany)
Roman Court Proceedings (International Workshop) - 14-15/07/2016, Wien (Austria)
96th Anniversary Meeting of CAMWS-SS - 27-28-29/10/2016, Atlanta (USA)
CALL. 06.06.2016: 96th Anniversary Meeting of CAMWS-SS - Atlanta (USA)
28th International Congress of Papyrology - 01-02-03-04-05-06/08/2016, Barcelona (Spain)
International Conference "Living the End of Antiquity - Individual Histories from Byzantine to
CALL. 15.05.2016: International Conference "Living the End of Antiquity - Individual Histories
Philologia philosophica Herbipolensis IV: “Roman Epicureans - Epicureanism and Romans” - 21-22-23-24