Studying Graeco-Roman Egypt: New Approaches in a New Generation - 08/12/2017, Basel (Switzerland)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 08/12/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Department of Classical Civilizations, University of Basel (Basel, Switzerland)...
Hellenistic Sealings & Archives -23-24/01/2018, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The Edfu Connection: The event marks the end of the international collaborative project The Edfu Connection, which...
CALL. 03.11.2017: Hellenistic Sealings & Archives - Amsterdam (Netherlands)
go to CONGRESS The Edfu Connection: The event marks the end of the international collaborative project The Edfu Connection, which...
Declinare l'Antico -04/10/2017, Pesaro (Italy)
L’incontro, dedicato al tema “Declinare l'antico”, si rivolge a docenti di latino, greco e italiano delle scuole superiori di secondo...
13th International Conference of Demotic Studies (ICDS 2017) - 04-05-06-07-08/09/2017, Leipzig (Germ
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 04-05-06-07-08/09/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Lecture Hall, University Library ("Bibliotheca Albertina") Leipzig...
XVII Convegno di Egittologia e Papirologia - 28-29-30/09,01/10/2017, Siracusa (Italy)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28-29-30/09,01/10/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Museo del Papiro “Corrado Basile” (Siracusa, Italy)...
CALL. 10.07.2017: XVII Convegno di Egittologia e Papirologia - Siracusa (Italy)
Lavoro manuale e lavoro intellettuale nella società romana - 25-26/05/2017, Roma (Italy)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 25-26/05/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Aula Radiciotti, Università degli Studi Roma Tre (Roma, Italy)...
The Physiologus between East and West - 15-16-17/06/2017, Paris (France)
The Physiologus was once among the most widely read texts on nature in the world. Originally composed in Greek language during the second...
Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte, 70 ans après - 26/04/2017, Lausanne (Switzerland)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 26/04/2016 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Université de Lausanne, UNIL-Dorigny, Amphipole (Lausanne, Switzerland)...