CALL. 30.09.2017: 7th AIUCD (Associazione per L'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale) Co

Rethinking Ancient Pharmacology: the transmission and interpretation of Galen's treatise On simp
An international workshop at the British School in Rome about the textual transmission and the interpretation of Galen's treatise On...

Cyprus, Female Voice and Memory Literature, Arts and History in the Work of Niki Marangou -23/09/201
Niki Marangou (1948-2013) was a writer and visual artist of unusual sensitivity and broad intellectual horizons who made a multifaceted...

Neo-Latin Literary Perspectives on Britain and Ireland, 1520-1670 -15-16/09/2017, Cambridge (England
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 15-16/09/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Churchill College, Cambridge (Cambridge, England) ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATOR...

Colóquio Internacional O património digital em contexto ibérico: entre a prática e a crítica -09-10/
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Considerando que a tecnologia digital conquista crescentemente mais terreno, centralizando as ações quotidianas e...

CALL. 31.08.2017: Colóquio Internacional O património digital em contexto ibérico: entre a prática e
go to CONGRESS Considerando que a tecnologia digital conquista crescentemente mais terreno, centralizando as ações quotidianas e...

The 2nd International Scientific Conference Archaeology and Heritage of Hawler-Erbil -24-25/10/2017,
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The organizing and scientific committees of (The 2nd International Scientific Conference Archaeology and Heritage...

CALL. 30.06.2017: The 2nd International Scientific Conference Archaeology and Heritage of Hawler-Er
go to CONGRESS The organizing and scientific committees of (The 2nd International Scientific Conference Archaeology and Heritage of...

Working with Cultural Objects and Manuscripts: Provenance, Legality, and Responsible Stewardship -05
The programme includes the following keynote speakers: Neil Brodie (University of Oxford), Patty Gerstenblith (DePaul University),...

Per totum orbem terrarum est ... limitum constitutio. Confini di popoli e territori nel mondo romano
Il convegno, aperto a tutti gli interessati, è rivolto in particolare ai dottorandi e agli studenti dei Corsi di Studio afferenti agli...