CALL. 01.03.2017: Digging up Complex Urban Sites: Integrative Approaches to the Archaeology of Külte
L'Antichità nel Regno: Archeologia, tutela e restauri nel Mezzogiorno preunitario - 27-28/04/201
CALL. 15.02.2017: L'Antichità nel Regno: Archeologia, tutela e restauri nel Mezzogiorno preunita
2nd Winter School Ius Civile Europaeum: Pena privata e risarcimento del danno -20-21-22-23-24/02/201
CALL. 01.03.2017: [PANEL 14 at ASOR 2017] The Archaeology of Mesopotamia - Boston, MA (USA)
CALL. 01.03.2017: [PANEL 11 at ASOR 2017] Cultural Heritage Management Sessions - Boston (MA, USA)
Oceans and shores. Heritage, people and environments. CHAM International Conference - 12-13-14-15/06
CALL. 01.02.2017: Oceans and shores. Heritage, people and environments. CHAM International Conferenc
CALL. 01.03.2017: [PANEL 8 at ASOR 2017] Encoding Data for Digital Discovery - Boston (MA, USA)
CALL. 01.03.2017: [PANEL 3 at ASOR 2017] Archaeology of Lebanon - Boston (MA, USA)