CALL. 20.04.2016: Opera in Fieri 2016 - Coimbra (Portugal)
Prometheus Trust Eleventh Annual Conference "Will, freewill and freedom"- 24-25-26/06/2016
CALL 08.04.2016: Prometheus Trust Eleventh Annual Conference "Will, freewill and freedom"
110th CANE Annual Meeting - 18-19/03/2016, Smith College Northampton (MA, USA)
Converging Empires: Ptolemies and Seleucids in the Hellenistic and Roman periods - 01/2017, Denver (
CALL. 25.03.2016: Converging Empires: Ptolemies and Seleucids in the Hellenistic and Roman periods -
CALL. 31.03.2016: Food, drink and civilization - London (England)
Philologia philosophica Herbipolensis IV: “Roman Epicureans - Epicureanism and Romans” - 21-22-23-24
Perception and Perceptual Appearances in Ancient Philosophy - 20-21/05/2016, Cambridge (England)
CALL. 31.03.2016: Perception and Perceptual Appearances in Ancient Philosophy - Cambridge (England)