Dialectiques de la vieillesse dans l'Antiquité - 17-18/05/2018, Saint-Étienne, Lyon (France)
I Encuentro de Egiptología Complutense (EEC I) - 22-23/05/2017, Madrid (Spain)
Virtual Conference Teaching Leaders and Leadership Through Classics - 08-22/05/2017
Federalism in Antiquity and today: a continuing story? - 28-29-30/09/2017, Edinburgh (Scotland)
CALL. 16.06.2017: Federalism in Antiquity and today: a continuing story? - Edinburgh (Scotland)
Athenaion Politeiai tra storia, politica e sociologia: Aristotele e pseudo-Senofonte - 10-11-12/05/
The causes of conflict in ancient history and historiography - 25-26-27/05/2017, Edinburgh (Scotland
The Benefits of Office. Privilege and Loyalty in the Ancient Mediterranean World - 30-31/05/2017, Am
La nuova realtà. Il principato di Augusto e l'organizzazione del consenso- 19/05/2017, Messina (
Empire in Crisis. Gothic Invasions and Roman Historiography - 03-04-05-06/05/2017, Wien (Austria)