4th Annual Conference DIVINA: Days of Andreas Divus from Iustinopolis on medieval and early modern L
The Patristic Legacy in Early Modern Culture - 30/09/2019, Cambridge (England)
Intertestualità greco-romana in età argentea e tardo-imperiale - 02/03/2020, Bari (Italy)
Continuità in (una) crisi? Casi-studio sulle provincie danubiane durante il III secolo - 16/09/2019,
Calling upon Gods, Offering Bodies: Strategies of Human-Divine Communication in the Roman Empire fro
CALL. 30.10.2019: Calling upon Gods, Offering Bodies: Strategies of Human-Divine Communication in th
La reutilización del pasado durante la Edad Media (VII Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Medievalist
CALL. 30.09.2019: La reutilización del pasado durante la Edad Media (VII Congreso Internacional de J
International conference of postgraduate students of History and Archaeology: Interpreting identitie
CALL. 15.09.2019: International conference of postgraduate students of History and Archaeology: Inte