Literature and intervisuality in Greece and Rome (II) - 12-13/06/2018, Milano (Italy)
The Day Unit in Antiquity and the Middle Ages -10-11/06/2018, Jerusalem (Israel)
The Fourth Canadian Colloquium for Ancient Philosophy - 26-27/10/2018, Sherbrooke (Canada)
CALL. 15.06.2018: The Fourth Canadian Colloquium for Ancient Philosophy - Sherbrooke (Canada)
Entre archétype et épigone : allers et retours en grammaire et rhétorique - 07/06/2018, Paris (Franc
Convegno Internazionale MuRSA "Generi senza confini. La rappresentazione della realtà nel mondo
Moving through time: processions from the classical past to Byzantium - 06/06/2018, London (England)
Summer School "Defining Space. The Frontier in Ancient History" - 22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-
The 15th Conference of the Classical Association and FIEC - 04-05-06-07-08/07/2019, London (England)
CALL. 01.07.2018: [PANELS] The 15th Conference of the Classical Association and FIEC- London (Englan