CALL. 31.10.2018: Symposium on the Greeks - Paros (Greece)
Las villas romanas tardoimperiales en Hispania - 15-16-17/11/2018, Palencia (Spain)
Vegetative Powers: Endowing Bodily Life from Late Antiquity to the Early-Modern Period - 12-13/09/20
Ancient World and Modern Societies: How Classics help reshape our world - 06/10/2018, Reading (Engla
CALL. 07.09.2018: Ancient World and Modern Societies: How Classics help reshape our world - Reading
CALL. 15.09.2018: Material Narratives of Late Antiquity (Panel at XXVI International Medieval Congre
Le lettere scarlatte. Tabù della lingua e della letteratura nell’età contemporanea - 09-10/04/2019,
CALL. 30.10.2018: Le lettere scarlatte. Tabù della lingua e della letteratura nell’età contemporanea
XXVI International Medieval Congress 2019 - 01-02-03-04/07/2019, Leeds (England)
CALL. 24.08.2018: Late Antique Materialities (Panel at XXVI International Medieval Congress 2019) -